Sunday 2 October 2011

Project 365 - Week 39

Hello again!

Time for another 365 round-up.


267:  Our new camping trailer!  :D  Quite an upgrade from a tent trailer.  ;)

268:  The kitchen area of our new trailer.

269:  She loves doing "school"... and markers are her favourite, of course.

270:  Practicing a "Russian jump" for dance.

271:  Michael wanted me to take a picture of his trucks.  On the dash of our van.  :)

272:  Old snowplow for the train tracks.

273:  Helping Daddy load the Nerf gun.  ;)

Hard to believe it's already October!  Check out more end of September pics at Sarah's.



  1. Love the camper shot. The kids have been dying to get one! The snowplow is great too!

  2. I love these. So funny about the trucks. Dustyn asks me too. Very cute shots this week. Thanks for linking up.

  3. Woa wait! Is this HAIR on Hannah-baby?! I think her hair has grown like INCHES since the last pic I saw of her! I'm sensing ponytails coming on! YAHOOOOO! :-) Great pics! ♥


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