Monday 29 August 2011

Project 365–Week 34

I’m a little late again, but here’s my round up for last week.  Smile


232:  Hannah took her camping chair over to sit with the dogs.  Open-mouthed smile

233:  My hubby and four of my sisters.  They rock it.  Totally.  Winking smile

234:  My loot from the produce auction!  Have the beets and one case of peppers left.  Open-mouthed smile

235:  Millions of peaches… ready for the winter.

236:  Moe the kitty. 

237:  Cell phone pic of Hannah’s new Dora shoes!  She’s two… and only a size 6 shoe.  She definitely didn’t inherit my boat feet.  Winking smile

238:  Ethan at the campfire.  I stalk him because he doesn’t want me to take his picture.  Winking smile

And that’s how it was around the creek last week!

Check out more 365’s at Sarah’s.



  1. Millions of peaches... Awesome. ;)

  2. Great photos. Those peaches look yummy. I love the kitty cat. Adorable! Thanks for linking up. Hope you are having a great week.

  3. You're still going on your 365????!!! I'm so proud of you!!! WOW! Your going to love to look back on these. I'm liking my sad little iphone collage (at least it's something, right?)... I was just looking back at August's, and I remember everything that happened. Very cool!


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