Wednesday 3 November 2010

Beautiful sunset

Have I mentioned that I live near Lake Huron?  And that we have some of the most beautiful sunsets?  Have I?  I'm sure I must have.  ;)

I took these last night.  They are all SOOC, except for resizing and slight sharpening.  Those colours were just as you see them.  Gorgeous.

At the end of a street, close to the lake.


A little closer street to the lake. You can just see the lake, if you look closely.


At the top of the stairs.


The lake was like glass - no wind at all.


It's amazing how fast the sun goes down!


Do you see all the geese in the lake?


Some of them started flying away.


I tried to take a picture of Hannah in her cute jeggings, but by the time the sun was gone, there wasn't enough light to do them justice.  ;)  I will another day.  'Cause they're too adorable.  :D



  1. These are beautiful. I captured a beautiful sunset yesterday too. I need to process them.

  2. hmm, i find that my camera doesn't capture the colours accurately (depending on the light) so SOOC don't look right to begin with. I must be doing something wrong.

    Jeggings! hehehe. dont' tell David.

    I wish I lived in your neck of the woods. Much more my style.

  3. These are gorgeous photos! I love them all! Wonderful job on SOOC.


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