Thursday 4 November 2010

You Capture

This week's challenge was Hallowe'en... and silence.

First, we have Hallowe'en pics!  :D

Michael went as a knight.

Ethan was a samuri.  (Yes, that's his actual karate gi.)

Can you guess what Justin was?

A "leaf blower"!!  :D

One uncle (in the red hat) and 5 nephews/cousins.  Ready for football at our annual "Scary Party"!

Rebekah was a cowgirl.

But you know what the funniest part was?  Both Becky and her best friend/cousin Emma decided to be cowgirls... without discussing it with each other!  :D  And Emma's little sister Ava was the horse.  Too funny!

And, Hannah was a skunk.  She's definitely a "Little Stinker" so it worked perfectly!  :D

And now, for silence.  It kills me a little bit that both Beth (who hosts You Capture) and myself chose windmills for silence.  ;)  But, unlike Beth, I'm not a fan.  I think they're fine if they're away from people, but the ones we have around here are really close to farms and barns and houses.  Not cool in my books.

But, it makes for a pretty picture.

Head to Beth's for more!




  1. I am loving all the cute and creative costumes :D And that is so ironic that you both captured the windmills. I personally like them, but then again I don't have to look at them all the time!

  2. Ha ha! Love the leaf blower! Too funny. That picture of the windmills is gorgeous though.

  3. Football is the best. Seriously. Not watching, but playing.

  4. Such great captures per usual. :)

  5. Leaf blower, how clever! I love it!

  6. OK, I hate to play favorites, but the "leaf blower??" TOO COOL!!!! :-) HA HA HA!

  7. beautiful photos--looks like everyone had a great time!

  8. Look at all those costumes!! So lovely! did you trick or treat with the entire brood??

  9. Leaf Blower...that is great! What fun kids.

  10. the leaf blower is hilarious! look like you all had fun :-)

  11. The leaf blower is so creative! Great costumes! They all look so adorable.

  12. Goodness...Justin must be a hoot! Love it.

  13. The skunk is utter brilliance. I may have to steal that idea for next year. ;)

  14. Quin is shoeless. Boys are crazy!

    Love Justin's costume & expression. Did he actually wear his leaf blower costume to play football?


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