Thursday 26 August 2010

You Capture - Outside

This week's You Capture challenge was to Get Outside!

I did that.  :)

Did you know that deck spindles make a good baby gate?

This is my Great-Aunt Kathy, and my brother Jay.

My sister and her family.  Mostly smiling.

All my brothers.  And their muscles.  Sorry, ladies, the one in red is taken.  The others, however, are available.  ;)  Although, I think that you'll have to wait a few years for the little Critter.

Thomas.  My first-cousin-once-removed.  He is exactly one month and one day older than Rebekah.

And for the last pic, one of the gorgeous flowers that I have beside my house.

So, did you get outside this week?  Did you take your camera?  I hope you did!

Link up at Beth's, and join in the fun!  :)




  1. Beautiful purple flower! Looks like you had a lot of fun taking these shots - which is what it's all about, right? :-)

  2. You captured some great moments!!

    HOLY MUSCLES!!!! You have some handsome men in your family - I am sure they are going to break a few hearts some day.

  3. I'm assuming from the family reunion...still great shots. Great moments.

  4. Nice family photos! The muscle shot was a great idea!

  5. Some Bells can be bitchy now and then. How do I steal that picture?? I didn't bring my stupid camera because it is stupid.

    The boys are cute. :)

  6. Great pics! The flower is stunning and loving all the family shots--gorgeous family!

  7. The title "little critter" had me rolling on the floor. And, seriously, can she not go through those slats?

  8. Looks like you had a wonderful reunion. I love the flowers at the bottom as well

  9. You posted the Thomas picture just to make me cringe from the collar, didn't you? hehehe.

    I like the muscles shot! Pretty soon Critter will catch up :)


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