Thursday 22 November 2012


Just cause you haven't seen them for a while.  ;)

Sheep coming for vegetable scraps.

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Mmmm.. cauliflower trimmings.

Day2-GS (1 of 1)

Michael loves picking grass for Alice.

Day2-GT3 (1 of 1)

See?  ;)

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Don't you love her ears??  :D

Day2-GT2 (1 of 1)

Covered in kitties.

Day2-Kittens (1 of 1)

And.. Roxy has gone to a new home.  She needed more attention than we were able to give her.  I'm hoping she'll be very, very happy.

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  1. I love the picture of Michael with Roxy!

  2. You make me want to have farm animals (we are getting some chickens this Spring!!) I really enjoyed these--and yes, Alice's ears are adorable!!


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