Monday 1 October 2012

The Way I View

It's that time!  :)

The Way I View theme this month was "Back to School."

Back to school means...

Blank planner pages.

Back to School (6 of 9).jpg

Schedules ready and waiting to be checked off.

Back to School (4 of 9).jpg

Math manipulatives stacked and ready to go.

Back to School (5 of 9).jpg

Books waiting to be labeled and put on the shelf.

Back to School (7 of 9).jpg

Canadian History books that I'm planning to use.

Back to School (8 of 9).jpg

And reading.  Lots of reading.  :)

Back to School (9 of 9).jpg

Visit Renee to see how Back to School looks for her!  And follow the train.  When you get back here, you've completed the circle!  :)

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  1. Adeena I am in awe of you! I can't believe you homeschool all those kids! Gotta say tho, it looks like fun.

  2. So do you homeschool or are you just VERY organized for homework time? In either case, great pictures! I hope it's a great school year!

  3. I can't believe you homeschool all those kids either!! You are amazing! Something I would never be able to do, and I only have two kids. :) Great job Adeena and great photos to remember this time with.

  4. Great shots and wonderful vision of back to school! Love the one of all of the kids reading!


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