Saturday 18 February 2012

Project 52 - Week 7

Here it is, week 7 of the year.

It was a gray, dreary week.  Until yesterday afternoon.  And then, it was warm and gorgeous and sunshiney.  All the snow was gone.. except for the stuff in ditches and hollows.

And then.

This morning.

I woke up to winter.

It snowed SO MUCH overnight.

Spring, why you tease me so?

Anyway.  This week's theme was Red or Hot.

So, yesterday Becky and I went outside.  Before the sun came.  (I didn't know it would eventually be sunny.)

And she posed in her red dress.

Becky red (2 of 1)

She even took off her boots.  Cause winter boots do not go with a pretty dress.

Becky red (2 of 1)-2

The girl could model.  Well, I guess she does.  ;)

And the theme for "My Everyday" was Made.

I took this yesterday afternoon.  See the sunshine?  See the lack of snow?  Yeah, it doesn't look like that anymore.  ;)

Girls with paintings

(Side note - how white is Hannah's skin??  Seriously.  I never notice it unless she's beside Becky - who has perfectly creamy skin.  And who tans.  Instead of burning in the sun.  *jealous*

And finally, Michael HAD to show off the car that he made... it has a little motor, so it was driving towards me.  :)

Boy with lego car

So that's it for this week.  I might post pictures of the snow later.  Cause I can.  And it's crazy!  ;)

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  1. Beautiful portraits of your daughter! That second one is VERY canvas worthy :)
    Envious of your snow!!

  2. Love the Becky shots. Love how muted and calm the colours are, and then the POP of red. She's a good sport to suffer cold feeties for her Mama.

    And Michael's face KILLS me.


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