Tuesday 14 February 2012

More shots

For my course.

What do you think?

These are only resized and slightly sharpened.  Otherwise, they're SOOC.

Face shot

Half shot

Full shot

I used this one for my course... cause his face KILLED me. Dead. I did end up cropping out the yellow bucket. And I do wish I'd caught all his fingers... he was drumming on his legs. :)

Half shot 2

NapTime MomTog

Pin It



  1. These are awesome. The last two are my faves.

  2. 201 started already? These are really nice.

    I think you're addicted. ;)

    I'm terrified that I'll realize I suck when 301 starts, and then I'll have to take all the lower courses too. You'll be my enabler by telling me how awesome they are... okay?

  3. These are so great. Love him up in the tree - there is something all boy about it.

  4. Awesome SOOC shots.

  5. I think very cute - and great SOOC.


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