Sunday 27 November 2011

Project 365 - Week 47

Time for a round-up!  :)

323:  My two dancers participated in our local town's Santa Claus parade!  :D

324:  She has her first karate trophy - 2nd place for kata!

325:  My new nephew was born today!  And we had his big brother here for a few hours while he was being born... and Hannah was tuckered right out.  Yes, Tigger does that often.  ;)

326:  She loves playing with her Dora and Diego cards.

327:  Pretty sky.

328:  Small stocking hanging on our electric fireplace.  Santa usually leaves a toonie in them.  ;)

329:  After three days of puking (not fun!) we *finally* were able to go see Reid!  :D  His face in this one kills me.

Visit Sarah to check out more 365 projects.



  1. Looks like an exciting week with even a new nephew! He's so cute and I love the sky pic!

  2. Those are fabulous Adeena- but 325 is my absolute favorite! So cute!

  3. Such gorgeous shots. I love the clouds. Great new header. :)

  4. Congrats on the new nephew!

  5. beautiful photos!!


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