Saturday 18 June 2011

Project 365–Week 24

I just realized as I was putting my collage together, that this is almost a kid-free week!  Smile

Here’s my round-up:


162:  Onions growing in our garden.

163:  Bug in the pink flowers beside my house.

164:  Hannah playing with Lucy – one of the SIX!! new kittens we have!  (I’ll be posting kitten pictures shortly. Winking smile )

165:  We picked up our fresh packaged chicken!  Home-raised chicken tastes so much better than store-bought.  Yum.

166:  My kids call this a “penguin” caterpillar – see the little penguins on it’s back?

167:  Went out to take pics after some rain.

168:  Fresh berries from our strawberry patch.

And that’s a peek at life by the creek!  Smile

Visit Sarah to check out more 365 projects.

NapTime MomTog Project 365


  1. WOW!! Awesome photos. Love the flowers, caterpillar and strawberries. I guess I love them all. Ha ha. Thanks for linking up. Have a great Sunday.

  2. The kitten- oh how I LOVE the kitten!

  3. all great shots!! the caterpillar is soo cool!

  4. Love the caterpillar and kitten. You're right home-raised chicken is so much tastier.


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