Tuesday 12 April 2011

Shoot and Edit–Week 14

The theme for this week's Good to Wow is faith.

I'm a Christian.  I have total faith in God.  His ways are mysterious, but I have faith that it will work out the way He has planned.  Not always easy to deal with.

I also have faith that spring is here.  Smile  When I look out my windows, I see green grass.  And tiny flowers.  And buds on the trees.  Yay!  Open-mouthed smile  It’s been a long winter…. or at least, it seems like it has.

So, here’s my SOOC for this week:


Yay for tiny purple flowers!!  Open-mouthed smile

Linking up with Jill.



  1. Such a pretty flower!

    Can't wait for the edit. :D

  2. what a beautiful and delicate flower shot! love it!

    amen to your thoughts this week!


  3. Very pretty - I look forward to your edit.

  4. Hurray for little purple flower! Lovely image!

  5. No WAY!!! You have flowers!!! :) Jealous.

    Gorgeous sooc. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  6. What a beatiful SOOC! Flowers! Spring! Bring it on! Thanks for letting me know how you upload your pics. I'm getting a bit nervous that my pictues are going to be gone for good. :-( Bummer! Think I might switch to Flickr...
    Happy Wednesday! XOXO


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