Thursday 14 April 2011

Shoot and Edit–Week 14 Edit

We’ve been really blessed with sunshine for the last few days!  Open-mouthed smile  So nice to be outside soaking in the rays, and working in my neglected flower gardens.  Smile

Here’s my SOOC:

Here’s what I did:

Adjusted slightly in Camera Raw.

Using healing tool to get that white piece of grass out of the left side.


Ran Ashley’s Nice and Easy action, and adjusted to my taste.

Added what I thought was the perfect scripture to describe how I feel.  Open-mouthed smile



I love that!!  Open-mouthed smile  “The time of singing has come!!”  I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels like singing praises once spring arrives. 

Side by side:


The winter is passed.  Woot!  Open-mouthed smile

Check out other “faith” edits at Ashley’s today.


  1. Beautifully done! Love the photo & the message.

  2. Sigh...crocuses...I miss crocuses! I always saw them as the first spring treat...the real sign that winter is over. We moved from Boston 3 years ago and we don't get crocuses here...or the real impact of the seasonal change over. Here it's BOOM and now it's spring. I think you picked the perfect quote to go with the shot.

  3. I love your edit - very well done. The scripture addition is perfect!

  4. beautiful!! I'll join you in singing :)

  5. This is terrific! I love the quote--perfect! Very lovely composition all together!

  6. Beautiful! Love how you pulled the colors out. Love the verse you used to go with it great fit!

  7. Beautiful photo! And I love the Scripture you chose to go with it!

  8. AMEN!! I'm singing along with you!!! Praise God for spring!!

    And wow -- what a great verse!!! I'm sure I've heard that before, but wow, must have forgotten! Love it!

    Great job on the edit! Love the added warmth.

  9. Flowers are just gorgeous and been snapped right too makes it simply explicit.I love the pics.Great work.Plz do pass by my blog on freeing your mind, follow and comment to improve my works

  10. That's a favourite verse of mine at this time of year. Praise the Lord! Your edit really cleaned up that image and made it so much brighter.


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