Monday 31 January 2011

I ♥ Faces - Best Face of Jan. 2011

It's People's Choice time over at i♥faces!

And, the theme this time is Best face of January, 2011.

Well, I think this is one of the best face pics I've taken in January.  It was a spontaneous, got-the-camera-in-my-hand-and-I-love-the-lighting kind of picture.  ;)

Have I said how much I'm enjoying my "new" Rebel T1i?  ;)

Browse some more great Jan. faces at i♥faces.



  1. So pretty! You're gonna be rockin' that camera in no time Adeena.

  2. I love it, Adeena! Those eyes...and those freckles; you really captured personality here!

  3. This is beautiful... And I can not believe our entries are near each other this week.

  4. Gorgeous.

    I'm lovin' your Rebel too.

  5. I was hoping you'd pick this one to enter! It's just fabulous.

    Becky, you're beautiful! :)

  6. Aren't some of the best pictures spontaneous though? She is a darling.


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