Friday 5 November 2010

Flashback Fridays

Hey, everybody!  :D

Today, I felt like flashing back to 2008.

November, 2008.

Look at this.  Nov. 6th.  Warm enough to be outside without a sweater!  And, Jeff actually mowed the grass that day.

But wait!

Only two weeks later.

Can you believe it??

Poor, cold Creekside.

Our front yard.  Look at the amount of snow on the deck railing!!  It was craziness!

Jeff couldn't even get in the driveway when he got home from work.  We had to dig his car out the next morning.

I'm sorry my Canadian peeps.  But seriously, this could be our future in just two weeks!

Are you scared?  >:)



  1. Me, ME!!! I'm sCaReD!!!! Yucky! (First pic is ADORABLE)...we won't discuss the rest.

  2. So that's why you want to move me so soon. Who wants to move in that?! :P

    Thanks by the way, you're very smart.

  3. I am very scared, but at least the long term forcast is warm.

  4. Oh you are evil.... so, so evil....

    I have an appointment to get my snow tires on my Escape next Tuesday... THEN the snow can come.

    Until then, NOOOOOOO!! X{

  5. Calgary has just had 22 and 19C days. We are getting their weather FIRST. I insist. So I am plugging my ears and eyes and ignoring your snow craziness.

  6. Love the first picture. That is a crazy amount of snow. NC would shut down for 2 months if we got snow like that.


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