Thursday 21 October 2010

You Capture - Orange

I captured a few orange things this week.

I was going to take a few pictures of my pumpkins this morning... but my camera has died.  :(  Remember I dropped it a few months ago?  Well, today the lens won't extend at all.  Sigh.  I'm still hoping it'll revive.

On to my orange pics!

Beautiful leaves.

Does this count as orange?  I think it does.  ;)  There's orange in there.

So, that's all I have this week.  I'm sure there's other orange pics at Beth's, so go check them out!




  1. Just so you know, 'cause I'm sure you're all worried... it's alive!!! ;) It must have just needed a rest. :)

  2. Beautiful fall colors!!

  3. Yeah for your camera coming back to life! And fall shots are really beautiful. I just love this time of year :)

  4. Oh thank goodness it's okay. Nothing like a malfunctioning camera (or a hawk swooping down over your chickens - dog saved the day) to strike fear into your heart. ;)

  5. Oh wow you have a pretty area to live in!

  6. beautiful shots! Glad your camera is okay.

  7. What gorgeous views!!

  8. I knew you would have fabulous pictures. Glad I stopped by. :)

  9. Beautiful colors! Glad the camera is functioning again. We went canoeing and ours got submersed (to say the least). I placed it in a bag of rice, to dry it out. It has worked for awhile, but lens goes in and out and hangs up. Don't want to discourage you.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. #1 and #2 - GORGEOUS! #3 - so cool, love it! :-)

  11. I love driving down roads like that in the fall- so pretty!


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