Friday 22 October 2010

Flashback Fridays

More flashbacks!!  :D

Today we're going back to 2007.

Here's my kid's costumes that year.  (Awww!!  They're so little and cute!)

Justin was a builder... but not Bob.  ;)


Ethan was Spiderman!!


Becky was a princess.  She loved that dress... well, still does.  ;)


Michael was a fireman!


This picture is from Sarah's wedding day.  It's my brother Critter on the right, with his nephews!  :D  Isn't it cute??

L-R:  Nate, Ethan, Justin, Michael, Stewie, Quin, Trenton, Critter.


2007.  A good year.  :)Photobucket


  1. I wish I can remember 2007....

    Very cute picture of the boys! Dressing up is so fun, can't wait for this year. :)

  2. Those kids are looking so cute dressed up!

  3. The Mustangs Soccer shirt... from my kids somehow? It's like a mystery. I think Arthur wore that shirt to family reunion in 2004 (before I knew him) and somehow it lives with you. and I see it pop up in pictures a lot. It's got some mystical kid appeal.

    I should do this (post pics of past hallowe'ens). Then I'd have something to BLOG. for once. I'm terrible :)

  4. Awww! They're so cute and little! Especially Becky. Mostly because the rest of them have partially or completely obstructed faces. ;)

    2007 WAS a good year! Yay 2007!

  5. What a great flashback. :D

  6. Oh wow! I love the shot of the 9 million boys - how cute are THEY??!! :-) Good genes in that family, I tell ya.


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