Tuesday 26 October 2010

Touch-Up Tuesday and more!

Last night the oldest three kids had karate.  Instead of meeting at the hall where they usually do, they instead had their lesson at a school.

Which gave Michael and Hannah something to do.  :)

Hannah had so much fun on the slide!  She kept going up the stairs, and down the slide.  She and Michael had races.  :)

Here's one of my favourites, SOOC.


I opened it in PSE9. I ran Perfect Workflow, resized, sharpened.

Don't you love her face?? :D


Touch Up Tuesday's at the Paper Mama

I'm also linking this post to Scripture and a Snapshot. I love this shot, even though it's not "perfect".


I love the reminder that Jesus is the light of the world.

I've been thinking about Jesus a lot today. Five years ago today, my baby girl was born at 20 weeks gestation. Jessica Anne lives in heaven. She has seen Jesus. And, although I miss her terribly, I know she's happy, and free of pain, and in the presence of God. Wow.



  1. Very nice edit! I love the depth it created.

  2. I think your Scripture & a Snapshot picture is great!! And you did an excellent job on your edit!

  3. Hannah was having a blast! Very cute.

    I'm looking forward to meeting family who beat us to heaven, and I'm looking forward to falling at Jesus' feet.

  4. Wonderful edit. I love your Scripture & a Snapshot too. Great job!

  5. Looks like so much fun! Slides are awesome. :)

    I love the thought that Jessie is with Jesus right now. I can't wait to meet her someday... I bet she has an amazing smile. Just like Hannah.

  6. Wonderful edit. And a great capture of the joy on their faces.

  7. Love your edit - it was already such a great shot.

  8. She is such a cutie!! :) Beautiful pictures!


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