Tuesday 14 September 2010

Touch-Up Tuesday

It's Touch-up Tuesday time again!

This is the first week that  Paper ♥ Camera is hosting TuT.  I hope you'll join in the fun over there.  :)

Here's the picture I'm using this week:

It was a cool butterfly, and I had to snap quickly!!

First, I cropped the image.

Then, I converted a copy to sepia tones.

In PhotoStudio I pasted the sepia version over the colour version, reduced opacity to 70%, and erased the sepia over the pink flower and the butterfly.

Sharpened, rounded the corners, and added a little pink touch to the whited-out petals on the flower.  I also blurred the background a little more.

I like the way it turned out.  :)  What do you think?

Touch Up Tuesday's at the Paper Mama



  1. I love it! Great job!

  2. Very creative. You are talented. :)

  3. This might be my all-time fave that you have done. Really exceptional job! The cropping alone is brilliant; really allows you to focus on the butterfly, and the whole sepia toning...phenomenal! I'm impressed! Looks awesome! :-) (I've never tried sepia over a color image and then reducing opacity. I'll have to try that). Beautiful!

  4. That last one is fantastic. Great crop. I love reducing opacity with black and white or sepia overlays. It's always so nice!

  5. I reeeeeally love the final edit!

  6. Oh wow - that looks really great. I love your final edit.


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