Sunday 13 June 2010

Random pics

Here's some random pics from the last few days.

Love these flowers!  Don't know what they're called.  ;)  The ant is cool, too.

I love it when the sky is so blue, with a white cloud here and there.

Baby Nana inspects her toes.  ;)

Brown Boy after we talked him into a short haircut, instead of his preferred bowl cut.  :)

I know this one is kinda overdone... but I heart Ethan's eyes.  Had to leave it.  ;)

This one is SOOC!!  All I did was crop & resize.  Her eyes are so blue!

Dimples picks up Michael's long piece of hair.  "Look,mommy!  I have a unibrow!!"

If you find me dead on the grass, just know it's because my children slay me!!  XD

My oldest hates having his picture taken.

But I do it anyway.  ;)

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Gorgeous flowers, gorgeous kids, Gorgeous sky, gorgeous everything.

    The flower pic is awesome. So much bokeh!! And the ant is so cool.

  2. I like your random pictures.

    Uni-brow. Snort funny!

    Michael looks too grown up with short hair, but very handsome indeed.

  3. Gosh!! All your shots are crazy cool!! Love the clear sky in the second one


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