Friday 4 June 2010

Flashback Fridays

For this week's flashback, I'm going back six years...

It's little baby Michael!  :D

Rebekah thought he was HER baby, and loved to hold him.  And screamed at her older brothers if they came near HER baby.  ;)

Once in a while, they got to hold him.  ;)

My four kidlets! 

Doesn't Rebekah's grin kill you in this one??  :D

(And yes, I changed them all to B&W... trust me, they look much better!!  I only had a 2mp camera back then.  ;)

That's it for this week!Photobucket


  1. Yes, it kills me. I am now dead from the cuteness. O the cuteness!!

    Nice pics! Michael (and the rest) were SOO cute!

  2. They were so LITTLE!!

    And looking at that last picture, I can just hear Becky's little giggle.


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