Thursday, 13 May 2010

You Capture - Yellow

This week's You Capture challenge is yellow.

I found a few lovely yellow things!

First of all, it's little baby chicks.  Aren't they cute??

Next, we have my baby girl tasting her first scrambled eggs!  Yum.  They were a hit!

I have some beautiful tulips.  Yellow ones.  When they start to die off, they become streaked with red.  I love them.

I played around with some texture on this one, and I love it.

And finally, this beautiful sunset graced us a few days ago.  I figure the sun counts as yellow.  ;)

What about you?  Do you have any yellow things in your life?  Join in the fun at Beth's.




  1. baby chicks they make me happy!!!

  2. I really like the tulips with the editing. I need to figure out how to do that!

  3. YAY for baby chicks! I can just hear them, I want to scoop them up and feel how soft they are against my face, I want to throw peas in there and laugh while they scramble around!!! (I posted a chick pic for my You Capture too)

  4. These are all lovely pictures!

  5. What fun pictures its a fun little peek into your life and it looks like a good one. What a cute little girl!

  6. Such beautiful pictures of yellow. That sun is amazing!

  7. Hi, thanks for stopping at my blog again!

    You have such a great variety of yellow here, I can't decide which is my favorite.

  8. Stopping by to share some of your yellow!

  9. the little chickies! How cute are they??!! And I love your texture picture as well...really cool! :-) (I didn't get my assignment done this week *sniff, sniff*. Too much going on). Your lil' one is super cute as always! Have a great weekend!!

  10. Sure, the chicks are cute, but just look at that baby girl! Nothing like trying to enjoy your breakfast while mom keeps snapping pics :)

  11. I love your shots! Can't pick a favorite.

  12. I grew up holding (feeding, watering) baby chicks, and I must say that the day they sprout their first feathers is one of the great tragedies of life. So quickly they morph from adorable, fuzzy, cuddly cheep-ers to big squawking chickens. Thanks for bringing back the memories!

  13. Very cute pictures. I can't decide on a favorite!


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