Sunday 11 April 2010

Silver, Pink and Black!!

Yesterday, my sister Heather and I took our girls to their very first Cheer Competition!  Their team was performing, not competing.
It was so much fun!  Just arrived at the Agriplex.


Check out those fake eyelashes!!  :D


All done, with her medal!  (The eyelashes came off as soon as she was done.  ;)


Rebekah and Emma.


The girl’s team even won the award for best exhibition performance!!  (Bad picture, I know, but so cool!)


It was an amazing event.  We stayed right till the end.  Some of the co-ed teams stunts were jaw-dropping!
I videoed the girl’s performance, so you can watch! :)  We’re planning to get an actual video camera before their competitions start in May.  ;)  For now, here’s what I got.


  1. It was awesome.

    Toronto PC Cobras took it all.
    They were amazing.

    And so were our girls, who are a brand new team!! Not bad for first year performance.


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