Friday 16 May 2008

I caved..

The peer pressure was too much. I can't be the only person who doesn't have a blog. And so, here it is. :) Now you all can drool over the pictures of the amazing food that I make. And wish that your kids were as cute as mine. And sigh with envy because I have a creek. >:} Muahahahhaa.


  1. Ohhhhhh, I am so very happy! You, my eldest, have entered the world of blogdom. It's about time.

    And your pics and recipes look wonderful.

    Love, Mom

  2. Yay! Adeena on Blogger! I always knew it would happen someday. You just can't keep your genius and grand puppet-masterism away from the poor, needy world!


    My word to post is "aummmm". I think that's what I would say about your cookies, too. If I ate one.

  3. Who needs a creek... the world is my toilet...

  4. Huzzah! Adeena Donna Doona is a Bleega Bligga Blogger!

    And I am very jealous of your creek. >:{

    I have some good pictures like that of your geeses, too! They are so pretty.

  5. Yay for Adeena! We all tremble at the awesomeness of your recipes...


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