Wednesday 25 April 2012


I know I've been MIA.  But... it's been so busy here on the farm!

On Monday morning, another one of our ewes gave birth.  This time, we had twins!  :D

But... it looked for a while that Nessie would reject one of the babies.  She cleaned one, but the other was dirty, and in a corner.  We watched carefully, making sure that both were getting milk, and thankfully, Monday evening Nessie started cleaning and caring for baby #2.

Two days later.. both twins are happy and healthy!  :D

Meet Bart.

Nessie's twins outside.jpg

And Bonnie... the previously rejected baby girl!!

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You can see, she's still a little bit dirty.

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I think it's awesome that both our boy lambs are white, and our girl is really spotty! Yay! :D

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Just getting up the nerve to head outside in the sunshine for the first time.  Bonnie's tongue kills me.  :D

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Lambs in the sun!

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They are too adorable.

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Bob had to come over and check out his new pals.

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And Alice, too.  I was really happy that she just sniffed them... and went back to eating grass.  She didn't try to stomp on them... which is a big improvement.  ;)

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It's so much fun to look out the window and watch the lambs running and leaping and hopping everywhere!

 then, she {snapped}

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  1. They are too adorable!!

    I'm glad Nessie accepted Bonnie. :)

  2. omg! they are too cute!
    thanks so much for sharing these adorable photos!

    happy wednesday!

  3. Oh, I just want to snuggle sweet!

  4. they are the cutest things! I love Bonnie's spots.

  5. Oh my, how amazing!! Beautiful shots♥

  6. Oh my gosh!!!!! So exciting & oh so darling!!!!!!!!


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