Monday 5 March 2012

Project 52 - Week 9

With all the excitement with Alice the donkey, I almost forgot to post this.  :)

Week 9 - Theme was leading lines.

Took this on Saturday afternoon.  During a severe wind warning.  It was so cold that my fingers could barely press the button after being outside for just a few minutes!!

Leading lines (1 of 1)

That's Lake Huron in the background.  The waves were so high!!

Leading lines (2 of 1)

And for "My Everyday"  the theme was sing.

She loves to play and sing!  :D

My Everyday - Sing

Her favourite songs to perform are "Dora the Explorer" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."  :)

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  1. Your kids love you SO much. That's evident because they were willing to sit on a freezing bench with the wind howling, just so you could snap those photos. Do I see Becky squinting at you in that second one?

    The little pianist is A-DORA-BLE! But you already know that.

    Alice the camel? Er, I mean, donkey. :D :D

    1. She's looking over, yes. I was yelling at them to do something else, but they couldn't hear me over the wind. It was that strong. Crazy.

      And yes, I'm singing "Alice the Donkey" in my head. XD Instead of humps, she has fluffy fur. ;)

  2. Is that chunks of ice on the lake??? Your photos portray how cold it was!! BRR!! That shot of your daughter playing piano is so beautiful, love the light on her adorable little face.

    1. Yes, it's big chunks of ice! The lake right at the beach was covered by ice a few days before, but the waves were so big, it broke it up into chunks.


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