Sunday 20 November 2011

Project 365 - Week 46

Wow - it's been a busy week!  I know, I know, I say that every week.  ;)

Here's my round-up:


316:  One nice thing about this season is the low sun makes spectacular sunflare.

317:  Hannah "plays" the piano every day.

318:  Hannah having a nap.  A rare sight.  ;)

319:  She wouldn't cooperate for pics of all five, but had fun playing with a stick.

320:  My new man.  ;)  Angus, a Katahdin sheep.  Hopefully the father of many lambs to come!

321:  Snow.  Kept going from snow to sun and back again!  Weird day.

322:  Our Christmas village is out!  :D  (Don't forget, I'm Canadian, and celebrated Thanksgiving in October.  ;)

And that's how it's been around the creek this week.  Visit Sarah and check out some more 365 projects.



  1. I have some Christmas stuff out too...These are beautiful, I love the one of your daughter with the stick...lovely lighting and she has amazing blue eyes! The sunflare on the barn is so pretty, and your new sheep is very cute...can't wait to see pictures of the lambs :)

  2. Oh my goodness- that sweet smile & those amazing blue eyes! She just grabs me every time I see her.

  3. Oh my! I love every single one. Love the one of Hannah napping.

  4. The sunflare is beautiful. I tried getting a shot of snow the only day that we have had any and it just didn't work. Maybe next time. :)

  5. Loooove the sleeping baby shot! Awwww!
    And congrats on the new nephew! How exciting! XOXO


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