Sunday 12 June 2011

Photo Challenge - Green

The Paper Mama’s Photo Challenge this week is Green.


I’m sure anyone who has a toddler in their life have seen this face once or twice.  You know.  The “put-that-camera-down-and-pick-me-up-already!!!” face.

And being as we were outside, she’s standing in the green grass.


That works for green, right?  Winking smile

Check out more GREEN pics at The Paper Mama.

And while you’re there, make sure you enter one, too!  Smile

The Paper Mama


  1. What a cute pic! I've seen that face alot too! ;)

  2. Thought bubble: I wonder how long she could stand there and resist my cuteness?

    She's adorable! Love the contrast of the purple band against her blond hair. =)

  3. I love the perspective of this shot and your shots are getting much more clear in focus. Great job!

  4. Oh this is so cute! I see this look all day long!

  5. Love the pic! Yes I've seen this face before and my baby is only 10 months! Love the ponytail!

  6. I love this! There is something about two little arms reaching up that warms your heart.


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