Monday 30 May 2011

Project 365–Week 21

I’m late again, but here’s my round-up!


141:  Jeff and Justin playing ladder ball at our campsite!  Open-mouthed smile

142:  Deer eyes.  They’re watching you.

143:  Hannah eating watermelon!

144:  My baby boy, with his gappy grin.  He’s going to be seven on Thursday.  SEVEN!!

145:  Kitties by the door.

146:  Her snack is bigger than her head.  Open-mouthed smile

147:  They smell SO GOOD.

And that’s a peek at life around the creek.

Visit Sarah to check out other 365 projects.  Smile

NapTime MomTog Project 365


  1. Wonderful photos. I love the watermelon one. Gorgeous flowers too. Thanks for linking up. Have a great week.

  2. Ah, my oldest is going to be seven (WHAT!?) in August, and his mouth is quickly looking similar to that. Love it!


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