Saturday 19 March 2011

Project 365–Week 11

Time for this week’s roundup!  Smile


Day 71:  Kids playing Dominoes.  (What else do you do when it’s raining and/or snowing?  Winking smile )

Day 72:  Hannah playing with Dora cards on my lap.  She’s a Dora fan… even though she never watches Dora.  Smile

Day 73:  Some sunshine for a change!! Open-mouthed smile  And Michael wanted a picture with Mr. T.  With sunflare.  Me likey.  Winking smile

Day 74:  Spring in Canada means… camping chairs on the deck, your brother behind you in rubber boots and a t-shirt, looking at the 3ft high snowdrift that’s STILL there… and a kitty on your lap in the sunshine.  Smile

Day 75:  Look!!  My tiger lilies are peeking out!  YAY!  Gives me hope.. even as there’s snow in the forecast for today.

Day 76:  My Happy Bunny calendar.  Hope you had a great St. Patty’s day!  Open-mouthed smile

Day 77:  Granny teaching all the kids for co-op school.  We’re learning about dragons/knights and how to put on the whole armour of God.  Mom has even roped us into scrapbooking.  Winking smile


So that’s how it’s been around the creek this week!  Visit Sarah for more 365’s.

NapTime MomTog Project 365

Oh, and I took these pics yesterday, too.  And I’m including them because I love them.  Smile

My girl has such blue eyes!!


And even with that suckie in, her smile is awesome.


And lastly, my niece and my nephew.

Ava: “Matthew, put your mouth like DIS, and look at the camera!!”  Open-mouthed smile


Till next week.  Smile



  1. Great photos. I love 73 & 74. So cute. Thanks for linking up. Have a great weekend.

  2. Hannah was talking so much! Wish I understood sootherspeak. ;)


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