Thursday 24 February 2011

Shoot and Edit–Week 7 edit

Well, I’ve spent way too much time this morning playing with this one.  Winking smile

So, time to stop.

Here’s my favs..

To refresh your memory, here’s SOOC:


So, using the rule of thirds, I rotated and cropped.

Then, I ran the I Fake Film action that Ashley talked about, and adjusted to my liking.

I also followed Ashley’s tutorial on how to fix the red skin, and how to make the eyes pop!

Here’s that result:


Not bad.

I also tried Nelly Nero’s Brit Flick action, and still did the red skin trick and the eye trick.


I’m not sure if I *love* the results of my morning’s work… but it’s still better than nothing.  Smile

Side by side:


What do you think?  Anything I could have done differently?  Do you like the edits?

I’m open for critiquing.  Smile



  1. I like the third one. (Second edit?)

    Very cool editing. Wish I could figure out how to edit like that.

  2. It's a very cute shot. I kinda liked the crop of the sooc, with her at an angle.

    I like how your edits brightened it up!

  3. i too like the crop of the SOOC - but love the edits you did with the shot!

  4. You have much patience...I like the brighter one.

  5. Cute photo and edit. I like it.

  6. I think I like the 2nd edit the best - her eyes are just slightly brighter. I think you did a great job editing both ways though!

  7. I like it! The third one is best.

  8. I really like your first edit - and the kitchen background is actually really nice.

  9. I think you did great -- your first edit is my fav. I'm loving simple clean edits lately -- nothing too fancy or overly creative (as far as using tons of "creative" actions or whatever)

    She's such a cutie!

  10. second edit is my fave the last edit, her eyes are a bit to much

  11. The first edit is my favorite of the 2. Nicely done and such a cute photo.


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