Tuesday 15 February 2011

Shoot and Edit–Week 6

The theme for this week’s Shoot and Edit was Love/Romance.

I have to admit.. we’re not really into Valentine’s Day.  I do tape little red hearts all over our kitchen cupboards… and maybe have some window clings.. but that’s about it.

But, in Sunday school, Becky made a Valentine.  It’s for Poppa, she told me, because it has a wheat cookie in it.  (Shhh… don’t tell him.)  Winking smile

Hannah was having a look at it, and I grabbed a pic.

SOOC.  Think I might have to erase the tuna can in the background… Open-mouthed smile


Yay for editing!  Open-mouthed smile  Linking up with Jill.



  1. oh my goodness this is precious! really sweet!

    sorry about the linky issues :-(

  2. Awww that's really sweet - I like this perspective Adeena!

  3. Cute Valentine! I didn't even get to the hanging of hearts, but I thought about making cookies. They weren't heart shaped though.


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