Saturday 5 February 2011

Project 365–Week 5

Time for another Project 365 RoundUp!  Open-mouthed smile

Here we go…



29.  Baby Hannah has finally weaned.  Now her favourite thing is vanilla almond milk!  Open-mouthed smile

30.  Tobogganing.  Apparently, it’s dangerous.  Winking smile

31.  “Snowmageddon” is supposed to be on it’s way…

32.  Not.  I could still see our barn…

33.  Ethan passed his grading, and is the first orange belt in our family!  Woo-Hoo!

34.  I love it when my baby boy makes my baby girl laugh.

35.  The Brow.  It slays me.

So, that’s a little bit of what happened around the creek this week.  Smile  Visit Sarah to see more Project 365’s. 

NapTime MomTog Project 365
**OOPS!!  I realized as I was driving my kids to swimming lessons that I mixed up the order!  And yes, I’m so anal that I had to tell you all.  Winking smile 
31. Should be Ethan’s orange belt.
32. Should be “Snowmageddon”.
33. Should be the “Not.” pic.
Glad I got that off my chest.  Winking smile


  1. Ha, ha! Whether we can see our closer barn (the one we actually use) is how we gauge how bad a storm is too. :D

  2. Wonderful photo. Love the brow. ha ha. Thanks for linking up.

  3. I love both of those shots of the barn and tree!

    And the eyebrows in #35 crack me up!

    Stopping by from Nap Time MomTog

  4. Congrats to Ethan!

    I love the new pics of the kids on your header. Seeing that you are feeling the new camera love :)

  5. Great collage. I especially love the landscapes.

  6. Looks like a great week! Congrats on the orange belt! And "the brow" is too funny!


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