Tuesday 8 February 2011

Joy of Love–Day 8

The prompt for today was “Gifts from the heart”.  What your loved one has given to you.

Well, of course my love has given me five beautiful children.


(Aren’t they cute?  You’re jealous.  Winking smile )

But it’s not just that he’s given me children… but also that he’s given me time with them.

He has given me the gift of being a stay-at-home mom.  He’s also given me the gift of trust, as I also homeschool our babies, too.  It’s something I was raised with… but not him.  But he trusts my abilities to teach our children. 

And that’s huge.




  1. It is huge! He has a huge heart.

    That's why we love him, too.

  2. Awww!
    we love Jeff too! And the 5 beautiful children :) You got a great shot - they are all looking and they have smiles!

  3. This is such a happy shot - I love it!

  4. You do have a wonderful husband. :D And beautiful kids.


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