Saturday 8 January 2011

Project 365 - Week 1

Well, here it is!  Time for my Week 1 collage.

It was easy this week - I pretty much stayed in the house, so the hard part was coming up with ideas/enough lighting to take pictures.

Here's the result:


They're not in order, because I put the pics in where they would fit best.  :)

1.  Water drops on our blue spruce.  It thawed over New Year's.

2.  Hubby and kids playing dominoes, while mommy sets up a new blog.  ;)

3.  Snowflake sticker on my kitchen window... and the snow is back.

4.  Me and my baby girl.

5.  Snowman on my kitchen table.... goofy Michael in the background.  ;)

6.  One of the many many lego trucks living here.

7.  Shrug I'm knitting for myself - love chocolate brown!!

I have started a "Project 365" blog where I'm uploading each picture separately - you can check it out at:  I went with WP to see the difference between it and blogger... so far, I still find blogger easier.  ;)

Time to start Week 2!  :)

Project 365 Button



  1. I wish I was that awesome, seriously.

  2. I love your collage. That raindrop photo is awesome. Great photos. Blogger is easier, but I am getting used to wordpress. Wordpress is much more customizable.

  3. I love the water drops on the spruce. Very creative.

  4. Your 365 collage is so wintery! That's really awesome.

  5. Can I join in a week late?

    It wouldn't be project 365, it would be project 358 or something... does that still count?

    I love the one of you and Hannah. :)

  6. Love your collage! The shrug is beautiful.

  7. I love the lego truck picture!

  8. Look at you go!

    I'm doing a 365 too, but I'm just putting it on my flickr and I haven't got them all online yet.

  9. I love that snowflake sticker photo! So clever!

  10. I love the chocolate brown shrug! These are all wonderful!!!

  11. Every single picture is fantastic... but beyond a doubt, my favorite is the dominoes. It melts my heart to see all those lovely children playing a game with their dad. LOVE IT. Also, that cheeky grin behind the snowman is enough to light up anyones day. Great shots :)

    Here from NapTimeMomTog 365!
    (Can't link my site with blogger, but it's!)

  12. Love the legos! :-D We have lots of those too, but no boys! Unbelievable able, right? Love the black and white also.

  13. Great shots! I love the detail in the first one!


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