Tuesday 30 November 2010

I ♥ Faces - Scenic B&W

I haven't picked up my camera in weeks.  I needed some inspiration!

So, when I saw Ashley's entry, I knew that I could capture something similar.  (Take a moment, and go visit Ashley's site.  When I grow up, I want to be just like her!  ;)  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?)

I had my daughter in to the dentist this morning.  After she was done with her appt., we stopped at the beach.

It was windy, raining, and cold.  She had a frozen mouth still.  But, she bravely sat on the rocks on the shore of Lake Huron!

I used PW's Heartland to get the colour, and also put a texture layer lightly overtop.

Need some inspiration?  Check out the other photos at i♥faces.



  1. OK, I LOVE this! And it does look like Ashley's LOL! Beautiful everything...little gal, processing...the whole 9!

    This is funny, Livia just walked by and I showed her the picture and said "what's this?" She said "a boy is wet." LOL! I'm dying! I guess the water in the background? And you know, they can't tell boys from girls yet - hee hee! Maybe ya'd have to be there. ;-)

  2. Gorgeousness!! Love everything about it!!

  3. ::HUGS:: I love it. And yours is in season. Great capture and I think the processing really works.

  4. I like it! It's very cool! I'd have more intelligent things to say but it's past my bedtime and all my brain cell quota is used up today. :P

    Poor Becky looks cold and like her jaw is numb. I hate that frozen feeling after a trip to the dentist.... I'm pretty sure the Devil dresses up for Halloween as a dentist.

  5. That is so cool! I am very impressed :)

  6. I love it. Great photo.

  7. Outstanding Adeena, you did amazing! What a good Becky. :D

  8. This is stunning!! I absolutely love the composition and processing!!


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