Friday 19 November 2010

Flashback Fridays

Wow.  I can't believe I haven't blogged for a week!!

It's been one of those weeks.  I haven't even picked up the camera this week.  I've been crazy busy with a certain Christmas project... I'd tell you about it, except the person who's getting it reads my blog.  ;)

So, here's a quick flashback to 2003.  We went to a local Children's museum.

The sign behind Ethan kills me.  :D  He was pretending to be in the circus!

Boys digging for dinosaur bones.

Tiana and Ethan - astronauts.

Ethan, baby Becky, and moving blur.  ;)  It has to be either Elena or Tiana.

Granny!  :D

And just because they're cute:  Justin

And Rebekah!!  Love that ponytail.  :D  And don't those dimples kill you??  Seriously!

Hopefully I'll be back to blogging next week.  Do you realize that it's only just over a month till Christmas??  I'm usually all ready for Christmas by now, and we usually decorate the house for Christmas this coming weekend... but it's not happening this year.  I'm so far behind!! 

Hope you all have a great weekend.  :)


  1. It's the weather. The gorgeousness of the sunshine and grass and blue sky doesn't inspire Christmas Decor.

    I heart dimples.

  2. You're right I do read your blog. >:}

  3. OK, I'm stealing from you. Now my children will be referred to as Collin, Drew and Moving Blur. Oh man, I laughed my head off at that one!!! HEE HEE!

    It's funny...I was just thinking about you earlier today; I really was! I was like...where's Adeena? You've been a busy gal, huh? Hope you have a great weekend! ♥

  4. Aww. These are so cute! I have missed your posts. Can't wait to see the project after Christmas.


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