Friday 15 October 2010

Flashback Fridays

More October flashback fun!  :D

This week, let's look at pumpkins!

This was our jack-o-lantern in 2004.  

Isn't it awesome?!??  It look forever to carve, but it looked so cool once it was done!

Next, the 2005 versions.  The kids picked out what they wanted, and 'helped' carve their own pumpkins.

Justin went with scary:

Ethan went with goofy:

And Rebekah went with Swiper.  ;)  She was a huge Dora fan at the time.

Justin's glowing pumpkin.

Here's 2006.  It's a happy pumpkin!

And now, do you want to see something REALLY scary??

This was taken October 30, 2006.  Are you ready?  It's terrifying!!

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Eee!  Eee!  Eee!  Eee!

(On a side note, did you notice the sunflare that I captured with that incredibly crappy camera?!??  Yay me!  :D  )



    That last photo (awesome sunflare notwithstanding) scared the bejeebus out of me.

    The pumpkins are cute. So are the little flashback kiddos. ^.^

  2. That last picture was more *MEAN* than scary.

    You're lucky your kids are so darn cute to make up for it.

  3. Ha ha! That is cute! Crazy how fast time goes by.

  4. YAY for sunflare! :)

    Great fun with the pumpkins. I have no idea what we're going to do with all of ours. We've already given a ton of them away.

  5. That snowy photo... just scared me half to death.

    Are you trying to send me to an early grave?!? Are you!!?

    Those pumpkins are AWESOME! I love the skeleton one, that is SO COOL! Very inspirational for me, as I sit here wondering what I'm going to carve into my pumpkins this year. It's gotta be good, especially when you set the bar like that! XD

  6. Sunflare is easiest to capture with crappy cameras! It is because the lenses on those are so cheap! I LOVE sunflare. Totally in love with it!

    I also love your pumpkins. You are very creative! Look at your talented family. Amazing!

  7. You have GOT to be kidding me! I just took our jack-o-lantern pics and thought they were the coolest things ev-ah! Then I see THESE???!! Yeah, ours are totally 2 triangles for eyes and a mouth with a couple teeth - BLAH! You'll see our pic next week.
    These are unreal!


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