Friday 13 August 2010

Flashback Fridays

It's flashback time!

I was going to do this last week, but I was so busy getting ready for ball tournaments and birthdays that I didn't have time.

So.  Here we go!

This is Justin... holding his new baby uncle!!  :D  Justin was a January baby, and Critter was an August baby.

Aren't they cute??

Next is my sister.  Well, two of them.  ;)  It's VERY PREGNANT-WITH-TWINS Rachel, and Sarah hiding behind her.

Aww... Stewie kisses the babies in the belly... and Rachel only knows he's there because she can feel him.  ;)

Babies are out!!

Tiny Heidi.  (She was only 5 lbs!)

Matthew - who looks NOTHING like his baby picture!!  Seriously!

And now, just because I know you want to see more pics of my beautiful baby girl...

Becky almost a year old.

Our Family in 2003.

That's it for this week.


  1. Awwwwwwwwww!!!! So very very cute!

    Love the matching pj's.

    I was so scared, and not looking forward to labour at all, although it turned out to be a breeze, except for the arm. **shudder**

    Amazing what happens in a few years.

  2. Stupid blogger just ate my comment!!!!!! Argh!!!

    I said that I miss those sunglasses (they broke last year and I was very upset, they were the coolest sunglasses) and that the matching PJs are too cute and they're the same ones I put on Deklan the day after he was born, so they're like a family heirloom! I also said that Matthew looked like the Great Gazoo and he's much cuter now. XD And I also said.... um... well, I forget. But your family was (and still is) SO adorable! I love that picture.

    Bleh. Stupid comment that got eated. It was much better and more coherent than this one. But I'm in a rush. :P

  3. Awwwww. Justin was much bigger than Critter than. AND he had teeth!

    So nice to see. All of it.

  4. I love baby pictures - great look back!

  5. Wow - Justin was one of those "cutest baby ever" babies! (no one baby can really be the cutest ever, but there is an elite group).

    I really love your flashbacks. I want to do it too.

  6. How cute!! All of the pictures are adorable.

  7. It looks like you have a wonderful family! Stop by my blog and say hello, and looks like you should also come by my webstore to look at the baby shoes ;-)


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