Friday 9 July 2010

Flashback Fridays

This week, we're flashing back to July 2004!

Boys in the pool.  Ethan looks like he's saying 'babbity boobity' or something Italian.  ;)

Little baby Michael.  I *love* how he has his foot propped up in the high chair.  :D

Slightly bigger Michael.

I have no pics of Becky in July 2004 on my computer... and I didn't feel like scanning this morning.  So.  I'm adding in pics from August 2004!  :D

These were taken at a WalMart portrait studio.

Justin loved SpiderMan.

So did Ethan.  :)

Beautiful Becky with a frog.  :D

Fat and happy baby Michael.  This is how he was.  Seriously.  He was such a good baby!

My four gorgeous kidlets.

Hard to believe that was 6 years ago!!  My babies are growing up too fast.


  1. Oh my goodness... the chubby cuteness! You have gorgeous children, Adeena... it's just fact.

    I just wanna squeeze them!!!!


  2. They are cute, for sure.

    So hard to believe that was six years ago. What!? They were like this yesterday!

  3. I have to say, that year was my favorite for pictures, although this past Christmas the pics were awesome too.

    6 years. Arg.

  4. Oooh! LOVE the flashback! Adorable kiddos. I should do a flashback of my kids...hmmm, now you've given me a new "project..."

    Happy weekend!


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