Thursday 24 June 2010

You Capture - Get down low

This week's You Capture challenge was to get down low.

"Getting down" is always a challenge to me, since I'm 5'10"  ;)  But, I've been trying to get down more - and have gotten some cool pics for my troubles!

Here's my favs from this week.

Baby girl up on Daddy's shoulder - I was sitting on the ground.  :)  LOVE the sky.

Sitting on the kitchen floor - catching Hannah as she 'bum scoots' - quite quickly, I might add - over to me.

We still don't have a mower.  Sigh.  But, the one good thing about long grass is the pretty flowers.  I've noticed, since I've been getting down low, that our grass isn't grass... but clover.  A lot of clover.  So, we have lots of clover flowers.

Good thing they're pretty.  :)

And finally, I know it's not the best picture, but it kills me.  This is Murdock, one of our three outdoor kittens...  It looks like he's all like "Word."   XD  Kills me.

You Capture is so much fun.  Head over to Beth's and check it out!




  1. This is why our cats are so awesome! They are sooo gangsta!!! Murdock says "Linda you need to come over to the west sieeeede!"

  2. Ahh! So cool! I love love love the one of baby sweets up on daddy's shoulder! I love how I can get inspiration for my photography from everyone else. I've never done a shot like that and I'm in LOVE. And your flowers, gorgeous. And that kitty - laughing my head off at his expression! You're 5'10" too? I'm just a little shy of that. Does that mean you have hideously large clown feet too (like me) and have to shop only on Zappos? HA! :-) Great pics Adeena!

  3. Ha! That picture of Murdock is hilarious. He's so cute! Linda totally needs to adopt him.

    I love those clover pictures! And I hear ya on the "getting down" thing... it's definitely not as easy for us Amazons to get low to the ground as it is for pocket peoples. :P

  4. Okay. Murdoch just made it clear he's Linda's cat. Fo shizzle.

    Love Nanna's tongue hanging out.... for balance?

    And the sky one is gorgeous. And I also like the clover ones.

    Methinks I like them all.

  5. I do, too. Like them all, that is. I absolutely love the determined tongue. It seems like it must help her go faster if she sticks it way out there.

    All good; except I am not sure that Linda needs Murdoch in her life. Because I know you'd miss him, Adeena.

  6. I've said it before, but I'm going to say it again. Your baby girl is SO adorable!

  7. West is the Best right? :)

    Hannah is just happy to have mommy at her level...

  8. The shot of the cat is cracking me up.

  9. Oh I love those shots of the clover flowers. The colors are just amazing.

  10. I'd have to say my favorite our the flower shots. they are so pretty!

  11. Lovely photos. The first one with your pretty girl is my favorite. Well done

  12. that cat is hilarious!
    My little one scooted as well! never crawled - not once!

  13. Your baby girl is such a precious princess. So cute! And Murdoch, well... what a character!!! :)

  14. Ha! your cat has so much attitude, it is awesome! I love your flower shots too. Well done!

  15. Very nice shots. I love the sunset sky colors behind the clover flower.

  16. *bwah* that last picture is hilarious!! love it!

    and i do love clover flowers :) but that first picture just took my breath away. that sky!! WOW!

  17. Awesome captures!!!! I love them all!

  18. Oh my gosh I can't pick a favorite! Beautiful baby and the kitty definitely has some "cattitute" lol

  19. The light in the first shot is amazing!

  20. Just when I thought I'd picked a favorite...I found more. Love you kitty...she looks like a baby version of my Kitty Paw. Also going to start following you.

  21. I love that first picture. I wonder what she was so fascinated by, her gaze is completely transfixed. And then the clover shots with the sunset are just gorgeous.


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