Thursday 27 May 2010

You Capture - Sky

This week's You Capture challenge is sky.

We are blessed with some amazing sunsets here.

Depending on the amount of clouds, the sky can be so many different colours!!

I even caught a shot of the moon the other night!  :)

How about you?  Do you have any sky pictures?  Join in the fun at Beth's.




  1. the second picture is my favorite, but there is something about that moon picture that makes me feel like I could imagine exactly what that night felt like. Does that make sense? No? Well, I like it. :)

  2. GRRRR!! Totally jealous of your beautiful skies!! I live in the city (and I call Lincoln, NE a city loosely)...but I can't get any pretty skyline without driving a ways. I want to steal your shots and post them on my blog! LOL! :-) Awesome job e-friend!! :-)

  3. What great shots of the sunset, I love the varity of color you have. I also really like the sillhouettes from the trees.

  4. Sunsets are so amazing and you captured them beautifully.

  5. Lovely! Love, love, LOVE the last one!

  6. Very nice, I really like the last one!

  7. I could stare at your pictures all day. So relaxing just to look at them and remember the beauty around us.

  8. Beautiful photos, great colors. The first one is my favorite. Love to see the sky on your side of the world.

  9. I really like the third photo - so pretty!

  10. I love the colors in that second one!

  11. The colors! Love love love the colors in these, Wow.

  12. Beautiful! I LOVE sunsets and the colors you captured are amazing!

  13. Your last one is just great, it has such a peaceful, calm feel to it. :) Very, very nice!


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