Thursday, 20 May 2010

You Capture - Depth of Field

This week's You Capture challenge was depth of field.

I have a few in my files that I really like, but I have just one from this week.

I took this one last Saturday, just as we got home from the dance competition, and was hoping hoping hoping that my camera still worked.

I think it did a good job.  ;)

There's more awesome pictures at Beth's so go check them out!




  1. I'm SO glad your camera still works! That would have stunk if it was broken.

    Cute cute cute!! XD

  2. Oh, how I envy you the creek! (Someday. Someday. Patience.)

    The kitten pix in the last post are adorable too!

  3. Great capture. I love using a shallow depth of field, it creates such great images.

    Thanks for your kind comment on my blog.

  4. Aww, so pretty, both the flower and the girl!

  5. Oh my gosh. She's lovely, the flower is lovely and your focus is PERFECT!

  6. I love it! Do you know what kind of flower that is???

  7. Your picture is big and when I looked at the top of the picture I thought "Ohoh out of focus" and when I continued scrolling down I thought "OOOOOh nicely done !"

  8. Yep, I would say your camera is working nicely. Great job!

  9. Great picture! I love those type of flowers.

  10. She's adorable! :)
    (I happen to think most little dancers are pretty cute..) :)

  11. Love it! Happy child, beautiful flower.

  12. Thanks for the comments, everyone! :D

    I was so worried when my camera bounced on the pavement... it doesn't zoom anymore, but at least it still works!

    @ Anne - no, I don't know what kind of flower it is, but I've got two big, bushy plants of it! :D The flowers last for a long time, too. So pretty!

  13. Love the flower:)
    Great shot!!

  14. This is lovely - I think thats a Bachelors Button isn't it? Great pic.


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