Thursday, 8 April 2010

You Capture - Comfort

Well, it's another You Capture challenge!  

Next week, it will be back at Beth's, but Keli is the host again this week!  :)

We've had such a busy week.  I didn't get the camera out as much as I would have liked.  :/

So, here are my quick interpretations of 'comfort'.

Comforting her baby sister... and it put her to sleep.

Baby Banana giving her daddy a hug.  Now that's comfort!

And, you know your daughter is comfortable on you when she's sleeping so soundly that her mouth hangs open.  :D

Now it's time for you to go check out some more (better) pictures!  :)



  1. Ha! I love the last one, she is cute!

  2. I want to sleep like that! Very peaceful.

  3. Awwwww.

    So Cute!!

    I like the hugging Daddy one.

  4. snuggles are the best. so are sleeping babies.

  5. How sweet that she's such an comfort to her sister!

  6. Oh, I love it when little one pat their big ones on the shoulder. That is maybe the most comforting thing there is.

  7. aww such precious little ones!

  8. Oh, those sweet, sweet sisters melt my heart!! ("baby banana"...LOL!) Adorable! :-)

  9. I love it when Deklan's mouth is open when he's sleeping! It's SO cute and it means he's REALLY out of it! :D

    Great pictures!


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