Thursday 19 February 2009

It's baaaack....

Yes. It's snowing again. So hard at times, that we can't even see our little creek from our kitchen window.
At least it's also really windy, so the snow we get is not staying long. ;)

There has been a snowsquall warning out for my area all day today. And, there's even a road or two closed. And, the long-range two week forecast isn't looking any better.

But, I have to remind myself, in about a month, it will be SPRING!! And, the snow will eventually die a warm, wet death. I know it doesn't make any sense, since it's only Feb. and all, but this winter has seemed especially long. Maybe it's because my kids lived outside all last summer, and they have been stuck in the house for a lot of this winter. (We had so many days that were so cold, they couldn't go outside because of the risk of frostbite.) But, I am so ready for green grass, tulips, daffodils, and starting the garden projects we want to do this year! And, our annual trip to the bush, not only for wood-cutting purposes, but also to see/photograph all the trilliums that are back there! They are so pretty, especially the odd pinkish one we get.

Three more months till May.... Three more months till May... :)


  1. Oh thank you for posting the trillium photos, can't you smell the bush right now?

  2. I can! :) In fact, when we had the big thaw last week, I could so smell spring. I think that's what made it harder to go back to winter. ;)

    We have quite a large patch of trilliums in our bush. It's hard to get good pictures of them, since there aren't any leaves on the trees when we're back there! This year, I might get a kid or two to stand in front of them to try and block the bright sun. :)


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