Saturday 14 February 2009

Early flooding at Creekside

Well. We've had an odd few days, weather-wise. It got up to 9º C on Tuesday, and 11º C and plenty of rain on Wednesday... then fell off again to minus 2 on Thursday. So, we had some major flooding at Creekside. It was incredible. We had so much snow, and then most of it melted. Fast. It was kind of amazing to watch it disappear!

It was flooding all the way back to the road this time. (The water had already started to recede when these pictures were taken.)

The posts you see are our bridge. It's an underwater bridge, now! :)

These posts are from our former mess hall/storage shed/etc. It didn't survive through the 116km/hr winds we had a few times this winter. Sniff. But, you see the little white dots in front of the posts? That's the other set of posts... with water bottles on them. It's that deep.

And yesterday, our yearly spring visitors made an early arrival. Rebekah saw them first, and was so excited! (You can see the water bottles more clearly in this picture. That's how fast it changes in one day!) And, that's fresh snow you're seeing. Sigh. I know it's only February, but I'm ready for spring!
The geese are enjoying the pile of water! I think there's about 8 of them this year.

So, that's been the excitement here for the last few days. Our basement held out quite well, but succumbed to the water once it started to rain on top of all the snow melting. It'll be interesting to see how the weather is this coming spring and summer. Last year was a wet one, and the ground is still so saturated. Our garden loved it, but I hope we have a few more dry days this year! :)


  1. That's hilarious! The picture of the geese walking on the ice, and then a few feet away another goose is a-swimming, that's just cool. They can either ice-skate, or go for a refreshing dip.

    Too bad about the hall, though. :( Is it salvageable?

    Our new girl at work had a major flooding in her basement. And it's a finished basement, with a rec room and bedrooms and everything. She was not happy on Friday. :P

    There's water in our basement, too, more than I've ever seen, but I think our basement is very well built. All the water travels down to the sinkhole, and the sump-pump throws it all away.

    Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  2. I knew you would be flooded. I thought of you on Friday when I was driving around seeing all the flooded creeks.

    Hooray for geese!!! Spring IS coming!

  3. Hard to believe we'll be CAMPING down there in a few months.

    Great pictures!


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