Sunday 13 July 2008

Fun at the fireworks

Okay. I know I haven't posted for a while. But, I have a very good excuse. I haven't been in the house in two weeks. It's been a relaxing vacation so far.

I do have some pictures of our fun in Goderich on Canada Day.

Becky had a lot of fun playing with the babies. Especially the girl babies. Here she is with Heidi.And, Ava was still happy after the fireworks were over. (I have to say, the flash on my camera is awesome.


  1. Yes, your camera rocks.

    And that day was fun. :D And a lot of other fun days came afterward! Hooray for us!

  2. Your camera is Bee-OOTIFUL! I want a camera like yours. Mine is good, but I think I should have a GREAT one.

    What kind is your camera, anyway?


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